Audio-journal: topics

Here is a list of topics upon which you might reflect. From this 6 topics, just choose 3. You don't have to follow a Q&A format, the idea is that you generate sustained discourse for at least a minute (or more if you like). There are no wrong or right answers to the questions. In this activity, your accuracy (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) will not be graded because the important aspect is the content. Yet, your recording has to be audible and intelligible. Also, if there is another topic you would like to reflect upon that is not on the list, feel free to do it. 

1. The beginning: in the first two weeks of the course, reflect on your listening and speaking skills. Are you a good listener in English? Or you a good speaker? What problems do you have when you listen to songs or to the TV or to a YouTube video in English? Regarding speaking, what gives you a hard time? It is vocabulary or grammar? Is it that sometimes you think in Spanish or French? Are you just afraid of embarrassment?

2. The first presentation: After delivering your first presentation in class, reflect and share your views on the following questions: How did you prepare for the presentation? Did it go well? Were you satisfied with your performance? Was there anything you could improve for the next? if everything went great, what do you attribute the success to? 

3. Note-taking: Note-taking is an essential skills in college settings. In some countries, students have to answer questions that are almost entirely based on lectures rather than on book chapters. However, in some countries these skills is often underrated. What is your opinion about note-taking? Do you think it is important? Do you take notes? How do you do it?  Are your notes effective for you (they help you remember the content of a lecture/video)?

4. Speaking practice: one of the problems to develop the ability to speak fluently in a foreign language is the difficulty to practice this skill. What do you do to practice? Do you only use English in class? What other context/situations do you use it? What could you do to try to get more opportunities for practice?

5. Technology: In our first classes we discussed the place of technology in developing listening skills. What technologies do you have access to and how do you use them for the improvement of your English (not only listening, but other skills as well). If you are not taking full advantage of the technologies you have, what could you do to change that? how could you take advantage of your smart phone or your tablet? Finally, is there a technology (or are there any technologies) that you could use to practice speaking?

6. The end: The semester is coming to an end. Reflect on your skills and this course. Did the activities helped you improve your listening and speaking? Which of the assignments/ activities do you think was the most useful/productive? Which of the assignments/ activities do you think was the least useful/productive?

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